Hong Kong Triathlon Association 香港三項鐵人總會
HKTriA Logo Re-Design Survey

We would like to improve our logo design, so that it is easily identified and understood to represent "Triathlon HK". We wants to gather your views for this purpose, so that a survey is now conducted.


We hope that with your input to create a new logo design that our members will enjoy and take pride, and that our corporate sponsors will find valuable as a brand logo to attach to their products and services.



Click here to download the questionnaire




Click here for the online survey



Please fill in the attached questionnaire and return to us by fax (2576-8253) or email (hktria@triathlon.com.hk) before 6 Apr 09.







 Please use Adobe(R) Acrobat(R) Reader to view the file in PDF format.

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